Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sidekick Workflow Using Creative Contributors, Drop Box And Web Clipper

You don't have to do everything yourself.  What if you had a creative prolific Sidekick?  Well I am thankful I do - it's my brother Dave Davidson (Anchor Station - Surge UP). 

Dave is now a regular creative contributor to Anchor Talk With Dr. Dan and records 1-3 minute audio segments on different topics.  He then drops them into a Drop Box folder we share and they magically appear on my computer!  Next I record an intro to the content in my Anchor app and then upload his content with Web Clipper at, This process has added new fresh content to my station and has energized me creatively. 

It's like Christmas morning when I check my Drop box folder each day and Dave has uploaded some new seasonal and evergreen content ready to publish.  You can listen to my podcast episode below where I describe what I now call my Sidekick Workflow!

Contact me with any ideas or feedback with a Call-in to my station - Anchor Talk - Dr. Dan -


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This gives me an idea with working with my daughter, AnnaLisa, over on Introvert Club. Thank you!
