Friday, November 24, 2017

Welcome To!

Whether you are a newbie or a veteran of the awesome Anchor app platform, we hope you may learn and benefit from the new resource site.

Anchor Boot Camps has been created and designed by three avid Anchor fans and creators - Avie Uniglicht, Ileane Smith and Dan Davidson. To say that we all absolutely love the Anchor app would be an understatement!  We all have passion to share what we have learned to help others master the Anchor platform and leverage it to maximize and multiply your message.

This site and the information we provide is a grassroots member-driven project.  We are not officially part of  Please also connect with Anchor's support site at

We collectively post our current and past Anchor tips, tricks and tutorials about everything Anchor! You can check out our individual Anchor stations below.

 Avie Uniglicht (Avie's Tech Talk Tips) -

 Ileane Smith (Ileane) -

 Dan Davidson - (Anchor Talk - Dr. Dan) -

Let's Keep Learning and Sharing Together!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful that Thanksgiving birthed this project in the spirit of solidarity. I am beyond thrilled about this! I'm eager to learn and grow. Anchor is more than a platform to me. It's providing a solution for me to foster an extended family. The three of you are so unmistakably grounded in humility and generosity that it makes the world a better place.
